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New “Plan Doc” LOWERS payroll tax; ENHANCES benefits/take-home pay*; SAVES contribution $.

November 2011                      For Immediate Release

New “Plan Doc” LOWERS payroll tax; ENHANCES benefits/take-home pay; SAVES contribution $.


An upgraded version of the classic Sec.125 Plan Document is becoming popular.  The new version instantly “overlays” benefits to help companies (5 to 3000+ empls) see a blend of:

  • LOWER payroll taxes for the company
  • HIGHER NET PAY CHECKS for employees                                                                                            
  • FLEXIBILITY to CUT company contribution W/OUT harming employees                 
  • RICHER BENEFITS, (avg. 1-2 NEW benefits/employee)                                                                         

The Tax Overlay is NOT restricted by RENEWAL DATES, which means its power is felt immediately.  Carolinas-based Accomplish  is authorized to run Impact Reports to determine the Overlay’s effectiveness.  Minimal data needed for Impact Reports.

Company HR staff is invited to contact Accomplish Information Officer Scott Simpkins, 704.458.2195,  Impact Reports available within five (5) business days after data is received.

( * NOT A SOLICITATION to compete with, or replace an existing health brokerage relationship.  As the name suggests, the Tax Overlay works in lock-step with current strategy installed by the company’s benefit broker.)

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Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) phenomenal for business cash flow

Perhaps one of the most powerful realizations about the Infinite Banking Concept (hereafter IBC) is that it can enable a company to in essence create its own “private perpetual funding mechanism”.  In short, what this means is…the company will no longer need the expense/burden commercial financing–the Company creates a bank unto itself.

How does this happen?  How is this possible?  Get answers to these questions by previewing the slide below.

IBC applied to Business Cash Flow

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